Cleaners and Disinfectants

Select one or more systems, transducers, and accessories from the Products list; and zero or more items from the Cleaners and Disinfectants list.

For a quick view of cleaners/disinfectants for your system only, click on the appropriate image, below.

Important - Always be sure to check cleaner compatibility for your transducers as well for your system.

Some product compatibility approvals are dependent on the product revision. Revision numbers are located on product labels. E.G. P12345-xx where, "xx" denotes the revision.

Select at least one product before searching



Scroll to select one or more of the products, transducers, and accessories that you wish to clean/disinfect.

Cleaners and Disinfectants


Scroll to select one or more cleaners/disinfectants and high-level disinfectants to determine their approval status with the products selected.
