Part 1 of our compelling 6 part series.
Sign up here to watch all six episodes and download Dr. Ben LaBrot's 10 tips for using portable ultrasound in remote locations.
The Floating Doctors set up a mobile clinic in the village community of Bahia Grande on the Panamanian coastline. See Dr. Ben La Brot use the Edge system for the first time as he performs a gallbladder scan on an elderly woman with abdominal pain.
Those few simple words: 'would you like to watch?' show just how profound a change hand-carried ultrasound is bringing to the relationship between clinician and patient.
Dr. Ben La Brot of Floating Doctors puts a new Edge system through it's paces as he uses the technology to judge the severity of the patient's problem and push back the possibility of surgery, hugely beneficial when patients are so far from any healthcare facilities.