Episode 1: Transforming a Health System

Banner Health, headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, established the goals of reducing costs while improving quality and service. This health system that operates 28 hospitals and related health entities in seven states, is achieving these goals through strategic initiatives such as establishing a Tele-ICU.They have also integrated point-of-care ultrasound in multiple programs from bedside echo and central line insertions, to pediatric abdominal pain.

“The Board of Directors, the Senior Management Team, on down the line made a conscious decision that we want to be part of the solution in healthcare. And, so, we are transforming ourselves from a hospital system to a healthcare delivery system.”

Robert Groves, MD. VP of Health Management at Banner Health

Episode 2: Changing the Healthcare Landscape

Banner Health has implemented a central line management program using point-of-care ultrasound and respiratory therapists to address complications during CVC placement. Watch the video below to see how Banner Health improves clinical outcomes, reduces cost, and provides a better patient experience.

Episode 3: Improving Quality of Care

With point-of-care ultrasound, using this to evaluate the pump, in other words the heart, in patients who are gravely ill, in shock that is information that we need immediately. We can't wait for somebody to come in. We need to know right now whether that pump is failing because it's empty and we need fluid or whether that pump is failing because it's full and we need to get fluid off. It's not always obvious externally. Sonography can answer that question in real-time almost immediately. — Robert Groves, MD, Vice President, Health Management, Banner Health