Meet Dr. Edward Newton of Code Black Movie

They were a bit of an unruly crowd, pretty wild and woolly. But we had a lot of fun.Dr. Newton also notes that the situation in C-Booth was not ideal. A lot of changes have been made since then in regards to training and curriculum, especially avoiding wasting time training for such practices as breast feeding.
Dr. Newton also addresses his experience with the film, Code Black.
One of the older members of the cast as well as a proponent of the film during its early stages, Dr. Newton explains that the film was intended early on as archival footage for the LA County facility that was on its way out of existence.
My idea was just that we would make a little video...an archive more or less.However, the physician explains, the film soon became much more than that. The film has won several major awards, including the LA Film Festival award for best documentary.
Finally, Dr. Newton shares with Sonosite his experience with the healthcare system.
Dr. Newton expresses "the frustration of doctors at some of the obstacles... that have never proven themselves to be of any benefit." Clearly the healthcare system has a long way to go, according to Dr. Newton's interview, especially as it relates to emergency medicine practices.Watch the Code Black Movie Trailer