Because ultrasound is not extensively taught in medical schools, clinicians are often left scrambling to learn this essential technology in an often chaotic ER or other high-pressure situations. Sonosite Institute was designed to address this very issue. Sonosite Institute empowers POCUS users to learn ultrasound techniques, applications, and best practices wherever and whenever it’s convenient for them.
Sonosite Institute’s online courses, extensive eLibrary, webinars, and additional resources allow users to learn at their own pace in a relaxed, well-organized setting instead of a hectic clinical location. This supplemental education in turn increases clinicians’ ability and confidence to perform both diagnostic and procedural point-of-care ultrasound applications at the bedside or out in the field. Best of all, Sonosite Institute comes at no extra charge with each purchase of a Sonosite ultrasound device.
Sonosite Institute Now Available in Six Languages
Sonosite Institute is now available in English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, and Chinese. With this language expansion, you can access the same comprehensive and intuitive course materials in the language you prefer. All webinars and videos are subtitled, and all written content is translated.
FUJIFILM Sonosite invites you to explore Sonosite Institute. Learn how you can expand your ultrasound expertise and get the most out of a Sonosite system at https://www.sonosite.com/education/sonosite-institute.