Here at Sonosite we have a pool of equipment that we loan for global health missions in under-served areas. We were fortunate to be able to support Dr Braehler's recent mission to Honduras. This is what he had to say:
"We came back from our Operation Rainbow trip to Comayagua/ Honduras last Sunday and it was an amazing experience.
We were able to do surgery for 43 patients in four days and almost all of them got at least one nerve block, quite a few got two for lower extremity surgeries. We did a total of 50+ blocks, all of them ultrasound guided and they all worked very well. The surgeons were happy, the PACU nurses were happy, but most important, of course, the patients were happy and very satisfied with their pain management. Thank you so much again for giving us this loaner, it made the whole experience even more satisfying and we really appreciate your support a lot!" Also I have attached two pictures from our trip, showing us doing an interscalene nerve block. Thanks again for your support, Best wishes, Matthias R. Braehler, MD, PhD